[MS4W-Users] Fwd: Remove GDAL overviews from a tiff? (Mark Volz)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jun 23 10:47:49 EDT 2016

Hi Mark,

A trick to remove corrupt overviews is to just run 'gdal_translate' on 
the corrupted tif.  Such as the following command:

   gdal_translate corrupt.tif new.tif

If you then run 'gdalinfo' on your new tif, you can see that the 
"Overviews" are removed (and the file size is back to original).


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

> Hello,
> I used gdaladdo in the MS4W / GDAL to create JPEG overviews for a tiff
> image.  I noticed that the adding the overview failed and may have
> corrupted my image.  Presuming that only the overviews are corrupt, is
> there a way to remove the overviews to try to save the "original" image?
> Thanks
> Sincerely,
> Mark Volz, GISP
> Lyon County GIS Coordinator
> 504 Fairgrounds
> Rd<https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=504%20Fairgrounds%20Rd,%20Marshall,%20MN%2056258?z=6>
> Marshall, MN
> 56258<https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=504%20Fairgrounds%20Rd,%20Marshall,%20MN%2056258?z=6>
> Ph:  (507) 532-8218 <tel:%28507%29%20532-8218>
> Fax: (507) 532-8217 <tel:%28507%29%20532-8217>
> http://lyonco.org/
> http://geomoose.lyonco.org/

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