[MS4W-Users] version 3.2.2 available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jul 13 12:03:22 EDT 2017

Hello everyone,

MS4W version 3.2.2 is now available at http://www.ms4w.com  This 
contains security releases of Apache, PHP, and upgrades to the MapServer 
7.0.6 & GDAL 2.2.1 releases.  Several changes were also made to 
libraries for performance improvements (such as libjpeg-turbo and 
SQLite).  Several packages were upgraded for the installer including 
GeoMOOSE 3.0.0-beta (new backend engine, give it a try!), Mapbender (now super fast), OpenLayers 4.2.0 (when you goto the OpenLayers 
examples page and search for "mapserver" you can find a local MS4W 
example).  This a substantial MS4W release.  Here is the full list of 

   - upgraded MapServer and MapScript (CSharp, Java, Python, PHP) to 7.0.6
   - upgraded GDAL to 2.2.1 (trac ticket 111)
   - upgraded PHP to 5.6.31 (trac ticket 122)
   - upgraded Apache to 2.4.27 (trac ticket 119)
   - enabled OPcache PHP extension for Mapbender performance (trac 
ticket 63)
   - built MapServer with support for Z geometry values (trac ticket 120)
   - updated cURL certificates bundle
   - rebuilt mod_fcgid
   - rebuilt Apache H264 Streaming Module
   - rebuilt MapCache
   - rebuilt TinyOWS
   - changed JPEG library to libjpeg-turbo (trac ticket 121)
   - upgraded libPNG support to 1.6.29
   - upgraded libTIFF support to 4.0.8 (trac ticket 114)
   - upgraded GeoTIFF support to SVN-trunk-20170623
   - rebuilt HDF4 support
   - upgraded HDF5 support to 1.10.1
   - upgraded PostgreSQL support to 9.6.3
   - upgraded MySQL support to 5.7.18
   - upgraded SQLite support to 3.19.3 (trac ticket 107)
   - rebuilt SpatiaLite support
   - upgraded OpenSSL support to 1.0.2l (trac ticket 116)
   - upgraded cURL support to 7.54.1
   - added curl.exe utility into /tools
   - rebuilt NetCDF support
   - upgraded Freetype support to 2.8
   - upgraded Cairo support to 1.14.10
   - rebuilt Poppler support
   - upgraded to Esri File Geodatabase 1.5 API support (trac ticket 109)
   - upgraded to Oracle SDK
   - upgraded PCRE support to 8.40
   - upgraded HarfBuzz support to 1.4.6
   - rebuilt libSVG support
   - rebuilt libSVG-Cairo support
   - upgraded Shapelib support to 1.4.0 (trac ticket 72)
   - rebuilt shp2tile utility
   - renamed Apache access and error log files

Please note that (if you are using the .zip) your server must have the 
C++ Redistributable installed on it beforehand: execute the local file 

Please don't be afraid to also provide feedback and requests through the 
MS4W tracker (so the comments and requests are not lost or forgotten): 

Thank you all for sharing your spatial information with MS4W.

And happy MapServing!


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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