[MS4W-Users] LAYER EXTENT in mapfiles
Gillis, Allan
Allan.Gillis at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Thu May 24 15:41:31 EDT 2018
Hi all,
I have a rather annoying problem that I was hoping to solve with the EXTENT for a layer. Basically, I have two data sources that overlap in area. One of them is a much higher resolution than the other, and I'd simply like to cut the high resolution file off at the start of the low resolution file to avoid having the two resolutions drawn together in the overlap region.
I've tried setting the EXTENT of the high resolution layer to crop it at the boundary, but setting it doesn't seem to have any effect whatsoever on what actually gets drawn.
I should mention I'm using the mapchace app as well, so it's not coming straight out of mapserver.... Any idea what I can do to deal with this problem?
Allan Gillis
Scientific Programmer | Programmeur Scientifique Maritime Decision Support | Soutien à la prise de décisions maritimes
Defence Research & Development Canada | Recherche et dévelopment pour la Defense Canada
Department of National Defence | Ministère de la Défense
9 Grove Street | 9 rue Grove
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 3Z7
Email: allan.gillis at drdc-rddc.gc.ca<mailto:allan.gillis at drdc-rddc.gc.ca>
Telephone | Téléphone: (902) 407 - 0400
Fax: (902) 407 - 0601
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
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