[MS4W-Users] trying to register in MS4W trac

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Jul 17 11:39:43 EDT 2019

Trac will also check for an existing session attempt, so you will also 
likely have to clear your cache manually and delete cookies in your 
browser, to remove those earlier failed attempts.

Again, thanks for sticking to this and taking the time to provide feedback.


On 2019-07-17 12:25 PM, Jeff McKenna via MS4W-Users wrote:
> Hi Brent,
> (replying to the forum)
> Sorry for that.  Please try again, this time after you click the 
> "register" button (at https://ms4w.com/trac/), then fill out the form, a 
> new page will display asking you to enter a captcha, and even after that 
> you will then have to use your new user/pass to login.  Admittedly this 
> is clunky, but this popular 4-digit domain gets a lot of attackers and 
> fake registration attempts, so the pain you have to go through to 
> register is required.
> Note that you will have to then confirm your email address, sent to you 
> in an email notification, before being able to create a ticket.
> thanks,
> -jeff

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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