[MS4W-Users] Help methods mapObj

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Mar 8 08:42:52 EST 2019

Hola José,

Thank you for testing MS4W 4.0

Great to see that you are using quickmap.php as it is very easy to test 
functions there.

As you know, as of the MS4W 4.0 release, PHP will be handled through the 
SWIG mapscript API for MS4W, making PHP support better supported in the 
long run (as the same functions will be used by other languages as Java, 
Python, etc).  This means that to find your available functions and 
methods, the list is now found in the SWIG API document at 

In your case, you can open that document and go to the mapObj section 
(https://mapserver.org/mapscript/mapscript.html#mapobj) and you will 
notice that the former function "getAllGroupNames()" is not there.

Now what to do?

- File a new ticket in the MapServer issue tracker explaining that your 
function, that was included in the PHP MapScript API, is not available 
in the SWIG API.  File the ticket at 

If you need a faster fix you can always contact me directly for my help.

Gracias for your interest in MS4W.

Have a nice weekend,


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2019-03-07 1:44 PM, jvenegasperu via MS4W-Users wrote:
> 	Hello everyone good day
> I'm testing the ms4w 4.4.0 beta 2
> add this line to the quickmap.php file
> $ groups = $ oMap-> getAllGroupNames ();
> now I get the following error message as I can solve it.
> Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method mapObj :: 
> getAllGroupNames () in C: \ ms4w \ Apache \ htdocs \ quickmap.php: 24 
> Stack trace: # 0 {main} thrown in C: \ ms4w \ Apache \ htdocs \ 
> quickmap.php on line 24
> excuse my writing I only speak Spanish I write with google translate
> Hola a todos buen dia
> Estoy probando el ms4w 4.4.0 beta 2
> agregue esta line al archivo quickmap.php
> $grupos = $oMap->getAllGroupNames();
> ahora obtengo el siguiente mensaje de error como puedo resolverlo.
> *Fatal error*: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method 
> mapObj::getAllGroupNames() in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\quickmap.php:24 
> Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in *C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\quickmap.php* on 
> line *24*
> disculpen mi escritura solo hablo español escribo con google translate
> -
> José Mercedes Venegas Acevedo
> cel Mov RPC 964185205

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