[MS4W-Users] [mapserver-users] transparency with php mapscript

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu May 16 07:42:26 EDT 2019

Hi Sven,

As you know, all methods and functions are now listed in the SWIG API 
reference document when using MS4W 4.0, and in the layerObj methods 
section you can see a setOpacity() function 

Another trick is to open the local included file 
"C:/ms4w/apps/phpmapscriptng-swig/include/mapscript.php" in your text 
editor and search for "opacity" or "setOpacity" there, just to confirm 
with your local installation of MS4W.

Recently another MS4W user asked about opacity, so I had created a test 
script showing setOpacity() in action with SWIG MapScript: 

However, I admit that that example script is long and opacity is kind of 
hidden in the code, so I have created another example for you at: 
https://ms4w.com/trac/wiki/SWIGMapScriptOpacity which takes an existing 
layer and adds a COMPOSITE object with the command:

   // set opacity (actually creates a new COMPOSITE object)

I hope that makes it more clear.



Thank you for using MS4W.
"MS4W: open doors as well as windows"

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2019-05-16 5:29 AM, Sven Schroeter wrote:
> Hello,
> I test current php mapscript versions under Windows and try to give a 
> layer transparency.
> With mapserver versions < 7 this was possible:
> $layer_poly->opacity = 68;
> With the version MS4W 3.3.1 with Mapserver > 7 and PHP Mapscript it 
> works like this:
> $layer_poly->updateFromString('LAYER COMPOSITE OPACITY 68 END END');
> In the new version MS4W 4.0.0 with the SWIG API I tried the following 
> variants:
> $layer_poly->opacity = 68;
> $layer_poly->setOpacity(68);
> $layer_poly->updateFromString('LAYER COMPOSITE OPACITY 68 END END');
> In all variants no error message, but also no transparency.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks Sven

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