Mapbender trouble with PHP of ms4w

karsten karsten at
Thu Oct 15 23:33:36 EDT 2020

Regarding the issues I earlier reported below I tried another installation
to find out what might be going on.

Now on a different windows 10 machine I downloaded ms4w again and this time
installed the newest ms4w 4.0.4 version via plus the
newest avaible geomosse, openlayers, pmapper, and  mapbender packages from
the ms4w website. As it goes for the included MS C++ reditributable I
already had a newer one installed so the one shipped could not be installed
over the newer one.

The path is C:\ms4w and running the dos cmd line I installed the win apache
service via apache-install.bat with no issues. That went well and the
webpage shows at http://localhost  and http://127.0.0. with all the packages
I also tested with a phpinfo function html page and that shows php to be
installed correctly with all additions.

Now testing the apps I found that the Geomoose demo is working correctly ,
however not mapbender and pmapper (both links will not show a correct user
interface when clicked. Mapbender shows up after a while and looks a bit
scrambled as if the css is not found but the interface does not apear to be
functional not is the root/root login (did not throw and error in the
firefox web developper console ...). 
For pmapper the web site displays this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ms_newMapObj() in
C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.4.0\incphp\globals.php:66 Stack trace: #0
C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.4.0\map_default.phtml(43): require_once() #1
{main} thrown in C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.4.0\incphp\globals.php on
line 66

I am not sure what is wrong but so far I only found the following lines in
the apache error.log:

# pmapper:
[Thu Oct 15 19:45:05.784789 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 3892:tid 1352] [client
::1:54198] AH01215: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined
function ms_newMapObj() in
C:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/php-cgi.exe, referer: http://localhost/
[Thu Oct 15 19:45:05.784789 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 3892:tid 1352] [client
::1:54198] AH01215: Stack trace:: C:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/php-cgi.exe,
referer: http://localhost/
[Thu Oct 15 19:45:05.784789 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 3892:tid 1352] [client
::1:54198] AH01215: #0
require_once(): C:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/php-cgi.exe, referer:
[Thu Oct 15 19:45:05.784789 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 3892:tid 1352] [client
::1:54198] AH01215: #1 {main}: C:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/php-cgi.exe, referer:
[Thu Oct 15 19:45:05.784789 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 3892:tid 1352] [client
::1:54198] AH01215:   thrown in
C:\\ms4w\\apps\\pmapper\\pmapper-4.4.0\\incphp\\globals.php on line 66:
C:/ms4w/Apache/cgi-bin/php-cgi.exe, referer: http://localhost/

# mabender:
[Thu Oct 15 19:25:44.236130 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 13316:tid 1340] [client
::1:53875] mod_fcgid: read timeout from pipe, referer:
[Thu Oct 15 19:25:44.236130 2020] [core:error] [pid 13316:tid 1340] [client
::1:53875] End of script output before headers: app.php, referer:
[Thu Oct 15 19:25:47.290079 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 13316:tid 676]
mod_fcgid: process 15296 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL
[Thu Oct 15 19:25:55.292797 2020] [fcgid:warn] [pid 13316:tid 676]
mod_fcgid: process 5536 graceful kill fail, sending SIGKILL

For mapbender I also tried a different route and went ahead and downloaded
the newest release candidate again but this time from the mapbender website
and added the unzipped archive to another apps folder mapbender_otherversion
and created + edited two new files to make that one run (
ms4w\Apache\htdocs\mapbender_otherversion.pkg.html and
ms4w\httpd.d\httpd_mapbender_otherversion.conf ) to run in a parallel
directory, restarted apache and tested that version as well. 
However, that did give me the same issues as with the native ms4w mapbender

Has anyone experienced similar trouble with the new ms4w version with those
packages ?
Any hint what might be going on ?


-----Original Message-----
From: karsten [mailto:karsten at] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 17:54
To: 'ms4w-users at'
Cc: 'info at'
Subject: RE: Mapbender trouble with PHP of ms4w

Hi Jeff,

sure if I have any paid work related to this I defintley would be glad to
contact you about professional support (but currently all my paid projects
use Linux based servers ...). 

Unfortunately at the moment this thing is only a test to see if this version
of mapbender will run on ms4w - which so far I could not get to work - omly
with manual install of the prerequsites (PHO etc.). I Will try again with
the newest version. However it seems to me that something is off in my
isntallations on windows in regards to the PHP version running ms4w +
mapbender somehow . Will report if I find out what is really is...

Until Later

Hi Karsten,

Oddly enough, all of today I was working on the next Mapbender package,
which is now available to all of the MS4W community at If
any of your team members need professional support at any time, please
definitely contact me directly.  It can also be a way for your company to
support MS4W (which will help make it stay innovative and available to the
whole community, and therefore available for your clients/business).  As you
know, my company (GatewayGeo == me) puts all of this effort into
development, testing, releases and packages (and pays for several TB of
downloads a month, plus the cost of the server and even this mailing list
host cost), so that your company can then make money from it.  Please
consider supporting the product that you depend on.

Finally, I am wishing you on behalf of GatewayGeo and MS4W, a happy long
Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, from the east coast of Canada :)

Thank-you for using MS4W.
"MS4W: open doors as well as windows"


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