[MS4W-Users] MS4W Apache Logs
igis at interactivegis.com
Fri Jan 22 14:19:06 UTC 2021
Hi Chris,
That's one of the things we changed as well and set our logs to a max
size. Changing to this in httpd.conf seems to work well and creates ~50
MB files. We also changed the log format because we have a few sites in
the apps folder, and the size constraint has the added benefit of being
able to scan the directory and quickly see where it's less than 50 MB as
that's usually the last time we restarted Apache!
* ErrorLog "|C:/ms4w/Apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe -l
C:/ms4w/Apache/logs/error_log_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log 50M"
* LogFormat "%h %v %t \"%r\" %>s %b" comonvhost
* CustomLog "|C:/ms4w/Apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe -l
C:/ms4w/Apache/logs/access_log_%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S.log 50M" comonvhost
As for auto-removal, we just archive them off once a month or when we do
something like upgrade MS4W, etc. We've gotten a lot of files in there
but it's never been a problem other than possible disk space! But we do
back up databases and auto-prune/delete those with a Windows batch
(.bat) file. That looks like this but I switched it to the logs
directory, and deletes everything over 15 days old b/c of the -15:
FORFILES /p C:\ms4w\Apache\logs /s /m *.* /d -15 /c "cmd /c del @path"
FOR /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir C:\ms4w\Apache\logs /s /b /ad ^| sort
/r') do rd "%%d"
We save that text as autoprune.bat or similar and just run that in Task
Scheduler once a week. That makes our backups fluctuate between 2-3
weeks. If you run it daily it'd always be at the 15 days.
Hope that helps and makes sense,
On 1/21/2021 7:24 PM, Christopher Hughes via MS4W-Users wrote:
> I'm curious if anyone has felt the need to modify the defaults for Apache
> logs (and if so, how they went about doing it). I'm specifically
> referring to how
> logs are archived and deleted.
> We're transitioning from a Ubuntu server to a Windows server. By default
> our Ubuntu server rotates and deletes old logs so that the log directory
> doesn't get too large. On Windows that isn't the case. I'm concerned
> about potential server crashes if the log directory isn't cleaned out
> every
> once in a while.
> It looks like the logrotate tool that ships with ms4w would accomplish
> the same
> goal (combined with scheduling old logs to be automatically deleted),
> but I
> wanted to hear the opinions of people who are more experienced with
> Windows servers and how they address this issue.
> I appreciate any feedback,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Hughes
> GIS Analyst
> Lincoln County Surveyor Department
> 880 NE 7th St. l Newport, OR 97365
> Tel: (541) 574 1283
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