[MS4W-Users] Idiots guide to MS4W and S-57 charts :-)

Lars Schylberg lars.schylberg at blixtmail.se
Sat Jan 28 19:21:45 UTC 2023


We have done a general solution how to serve S57 charts with 
Mapserver.It was myself and Mapgears that made this solution a couple 
years ago.All of it is found in SMAC-M: 
https://github.com/LarsSchy/SMAC-M . This is a solution that is linux 
specific since we are using bash scripts, even if a lot of the scripts 
are rewritten to python. But to answer your question, this is what it 
takes.I probable put in more that 1000 hours in this project myself and 
then I know that Mapgears also spent a lot of time, knowledge and effort 
to refine it.

We are converting theS57 format to shape format to gain performance.But 
you could also read S57 natively with OGR. I think I did that in the AML 
part, that is in the project, but it not described in the documentation.

Basicly it is a data preparation part and a lot of mapserver mapfile 
templates for the cartography with dynamic color handling for the 
different color modes in S52. The intention with SMAC-M was never to do 
a navigational chart.   The purpose was to do a sea chart to have as a 
basemap for planning purposes or as a background map.

Have fun / Lars Schylberg

Den 2023-01-28 kl. 18:34, skrev Jes Ramsing via MS4W-Users:
> Hello all.
> I am trying to get a mental picture of Mapserver and MS4W - what to do to serve S-57 charts to jleaf on a Client website.
> I hoped this was resonably straight forward - but it seems like there is so much knowledge needed to get started, a bit intimidating to say the least.
> So - can any one point me to a “This is what to do to serve a pile of S-57 charts using MS4W”?
> Using that I hope to get an overview of the conversions (seems to be necessary) and flow through MS4W.
> Regards
> Jes
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