[MS4W-Users] http/2 support

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Wed Jun 14 17:01:09 UTC 2023

Hi Chris,

I did a quick read of the major benefits/promises of HTTP/2, and to me it looks like they are:
1. decrease latency to improve page loads
2. Server Push

But there is some evidence of of only minimal performance increase (https://http2benchmark.org/)

What are you thoughts?

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

From: "Christopher Hughes via MS4W-Users" <ms4w-users at lists.ms4w.com>
Sent: 6/14/23 10:10 AM
To: "ms4w-users at lists.ms4w.com" <ms4w-users at lists.ms4w.com>
Cc: Christopher Hughes <chughes at co.lincoln.or.us>
Subject: [MS4W-Users] http/2 support


I was doing some research into http/2 and some of the benefits it has.

I was curious if there was a way to currently implement this with ms4w, or if this is being considered in future versions?
I wasn't able to find the http2 module in my current version of ms4w (4.0.5) or in the 5.0.0 beta.

I appreciate any feedback,


Chris Hughes

GIS Analyst
Lincoln County GIS Department 
880 NE 7th St. l Newport, OR 97365
Tel: (541) 574 1283
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